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    2021-5-10 05:41
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    发表于 2021-5-2 10:56:03 | 显示全部楼层
    The Taper fade is also referred to as a Manhattan fade, low fade or straight fade, and back hairstyle. It is one of the most popular and easiest low maintenance fashions in hair style history. This is because it requires very little maintenance once it has been taken care of. This article will help you understand the taper fade and what it can do for your hair.

    The term "taper fade" refers to the way that the layers of your hair gradually taper down from the crown of your head all the way down to the tips. This is a very attractive look that can be achieved with both straight and curly taper fades. Taper fades are great when you want a softer look on the top half of your head, but want your hair to have some definition on the sides and back. You can achieve a great look by thinning the layers at the bottom, then lightly combing across the top half of your head. The result is a very soft look that is not frizzy, shiny, nor flat.

    The taper fade paired with curly hairstyles has become one of the most common looks. When this pairing was first introduced, it was very noticeable on people who had large, heavy curls, and had it done just about every time they had their hair cut. For a few years, the look lasted but slowly lost its popularity due to people who were getting rid of their curly locks for a variety of other reasons. However, it has recently regained popularity after more people have come back into the hairstyling game.

    Another reason that taper fade looks great with curly hair is because this type of hairstyle allows you to keep your bangs off your forehead. This makes it much easier for people to notice your bangs when you have it curled and keeps them off of your face while you are going through the taper fade. The clean-cut look also gives you a great un-maintained appearance and does not require the constant maintenance that many long hair styles require. Most importantly, you can maintain a clean-cut look without having to spend tons of money or deal with all of the extra work involved in maintaining curly hairstyles.
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